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Could you potentially help a brother out?

The U.S Constitution says it best, "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

Unfortunately, there are people in this world who do not have the same beliefs you nor us may have, and they are attempting (and failing time, and time again) to take away our constitutional right to keep and bear arms. The A.G.C, or Anti-Gun-Cabal have been trying, and trying for over a hundred years, and to no prevail, their failures are only making us not only become more aware, but even more willing to fight their truly evil intentions.

In today's society, with the unruly riots in large cities as of late, and the priority of others who commit violent & heneous crimes over those who don't, the AGC wants to make it 100x more difficult to keep and bear arms, and being not as heavily opinionated as we were way back when, we just have one question for you...

So to those who oppose firearms and the United States Constitution, and to those who believe they can commit as many crimes as possible and still somehow get away with it, can you help a brother out and hold this for me? I promise it won't hurt.